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Thiết bị đo lường ngành nước

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i::scan_ww_EN S::CAN Datasheet
i::scan monitors depending on the application an individual selection of: TSS, COD, COD f, UV254, UV254 f, color, UVT10, UVT10 f and temperature

∙ s::can plug & measure
∙ new light emitting technology
∙ no consumables, no moving parts
∙ special, non-fouling optical window material
∙ low power consumption (less than 1 W typical)
∙ dual-beam compensated optics
∙ optional automatic cleaning compressed air (InSitu, only for version -075 with fixed cable) or autobrush
∙ long term stable, 100 % corrosion free
∙ plug connection or fixed cable
∙ 5000 hours maintenance free operation
∙ mounting and measurement directly in the media (InSitu) or in a flow cell (monitoring station)
∙ can be mounted directly in a mains pipe / pressure pipe
∙ operation via s::can terminals & s::can software
Giới thiệu sản phẩm
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Thiết bị đo chất lượng nước tự động, liên tục - Systea Micromac Analyzer - Envimart JSC
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Video giới thiệu chi tiết thông số kỹ thuật và thông tin sản phẩm thiết bị đo chất lượng nước tự động, liên tục (online analyzer) hãng Systea - Ý. Nội dung chi tiết của video bao gồm:
00:00 - Bắt đầu
00:20 - Máy đo tổng nitơ
00:40 - Máy đo tổng phốt pho
00:59 - Máy đo COD, BOD
01:20 - Máy đo TOC
03:00 - Máy đo Crôm 6+
Và các máy đo chỉ tiêu khác: sắt, đồng, clorua...

Nếu cần thêm thông tin, đừng ngại liên hệ Envimart JSC - ĐT: 029 77727979 -
Thiết bị đo lưu lượng nước
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Thiết bị kết nối và hiển thị
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con::nect_V3 S::CAN Datasheet
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con::nect V3

∙ s::can connection device for one spectrometer V3 probe and one cleaning device
∙ expand con::cube/con::lyte sensors networks (longer distances and higher number of sensors)
∙ operation of one s::can spectrometer V3 probe
∙ RJ45 connector for wired network access
ENVIDATA 1801 Inventia - Truyền dữ liệu quan trắc tự động
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Model: Envidata 1801
Hãng sản xuất: Inventia
Xuất xứ: Ba Lan

Dữ liệu được truyền về trung tâm theo phương thức FTP, file *.TXT theo thời gian có thể tùy chỉnh được
Khả năng kết nối với 6 ngõ vào analog (4-20mA)
Có 12 ngõ ra số sử dụng cho mục đích điều khiển (tín hiệu 24VDC), có thể sử dụng làm ngõ vào số
Có 16 ngõ vào số đa năng (có thể dùng đếm xung 250 Hz)
Có cổng kết nối Ethernet/ Modbus TCP master/slave
Kết nối RS485/RS232 Modbus RTU master/slave với các thiết bị ngoại vi
Chức năng gửi dữ liệu theo quy định TT 24/2017/TT-BTNMT
Tích hợp tính năng hiển thị trực tiếp lên màn hình HMI OLED graphic display (128x64 pixels)
con::lyte_EN S::CAN Datasheet
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∙ s::can low-cost terminal designed for control applications
∙ power efficient LCD display and ergonomic user interface
∙ sensor and station management of up to 2 (eco) or 6 (pro) parameters
∙ control of automatic cleaning, data logging, sample & calibration, sensor function check and easy data transfer via USB-stick
∙ process interface to SCADA or con::cube via Modbus RTU, Profibus DP, analog 4-20 mA and relay outputs (state/PWM/Pulse)
∙ integration of third-party sensors via analog 0/4-20 mA input and digital (solid state/count) inputs
∙ outstanding control features: easy threshold and alarm limits with hysteresis, 3 optional PID or 2-point controllers
∙ certifications: CE, UL, CSA and RCM
Thiết bị đo pH, ORP
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ph::lyser_dw_EN S::CAN Datasheet
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∙ s::can plug & measure
∙ measuring principle: unique, non-porous / non-leaking combined reference electrode for technically unrivalled and consistent pH performance
∙ multiparameter sensor
∙ ideal for surface water, ground water, drinking water and waste water
∙ long term stable and maintenance free in operation
∙ factory precalibrated
∙ mounting and measurement directly in the media (InSitu) or in a flow cell
∙ operation via s::can terminals & s::can software
∙ optional: automatic cleaning with compressed air
∙ plug connection or fixed cable
ph::lyser_ww_EN S::CAN Datasheet
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pH::lyser eco monitors pH & temperature
pH::lyser pro: high temperature range

∙ s::can plug & measure
∙ measuring principle: unique, non-porous / non-leaking combined reference electrode for technically unrivalled and consistent pH performance
∙ multiparameter sensor
∙ ideal for surface water, ground water, drinking water and waste water
∙ long term stable and maintenance free in operation
∙ factory precalibrated
∙ mounting and measurement directly in the media (InSitu) or in a flow cell
∙ operation via s::can terminals & s::can software
∙ optional: automatic cleaning with compressed air
∙ plug connection or fixed cable
redo::lyser_ww_EN S::CAN Datasheet
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redo::lyser monitors ORP and temperature
redo::lyser pro: high temperature range

∙ s::can plug & measure
∙ measuring principle: unique, non-porous / non-leaking combined reference electrode for technically unrivalled and consistend ORP performance
∙ multiparameter sensor
∙ ideal for surface water, ground water and drinking water, also waste water
∙ long term stable and maintenance free in operation
∙ factory precalibrated
∙ mounting and measurement directly in the media (InSitu) or in flow cell
∙ operation via s::can terminals & s::can software
∙ plug connection or fixed cable
Thiết bị đo DO
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oxi::lyser_ww_EN S::CAN Datasheet
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oxi::lyser™ monitors disolved oxygen & temperature

∙ s::can plug & measure
∙ measuring principle: optical / fluorescence
∙ multiparameter sensor
∙ ideal for surface water, ground water, drinking water and waste water
∙ long term stable and maintenance free in operation
∙ factory precalibrated
∙ automatic cleaning with compressed air
∙ mounting and measurement directly in the media (InSitu) or in a flow cell
∙ no flow necessary
∙ operation via s::can terminals & s::can software
∙ minimal maintenance (no consumables)
Thiết bị đo TSS và độ đục
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i::scan_dw_EN S::CAN Datasheet
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i::scan monitors depending on the application an individual selection of: turbidity, TOC, DOC, UV254, UV254 f, color, UVT10, UVT10 f, UVT100 f and temperature

∙ s::can plug & measure
∙ turbidity: measurement according to EPA 180.1 and ISO 7027, 90° scattering (35 mm path length)
∙ new light emitting technology
∙ no consumables, no moving parts
∙ special, non-fouling optical window material
∙ low power consumption (less than 1 W typical)
∙ dual-beam compensated optics
∙ optional automatic cleaning compressed air (InSitu, only for version -075 with fixed cable) or autobrush
∙ long term stable, 100 % corrosion free
∙ plug connection or fixed cable
∙ 5000 hours maintenance free operation
∙ mounting and measurement directly in the media (InSitu) or in a flow cell (monitoring station)
∙ can be mounted directly in a mains pipe / pressure pipe
∙ operation via s::can terminals & s::can software
soli::lyser_ww_EN S::CAN Datasheet
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soli::lyser monitors TSS or MLSS

∙ s::can plug & measure
∙ measuring principle: optical (infrared absorbance)
∙ ideal for waste water
∙ long term stable and maintenance free in operation
∙ factory precalibrated (2 measuring ranges available)
∙ automatic cleaning with compressed air
∙ mounting and measurement directly in the media (InSitu) or in a flow cell
∙ operation via s::can terminals & s::can software
∙ minimal maintenance (no waste parts)
∙ most cost efficient sensor, cost of ownership are unmatched
Thiết bị đo độ dẫn điện, độ mặn
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condu::lyser_dw_EN S::CAN Datasheet
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condu::lyser monitors conductivity, temperature & salinity*

∙ s::can plug & measure
∙ measuring principle condu::lyser: 4-electrode, direct-contact measurement
∙ multiparameter sensor
∙ ideal for surface water, ground water, drinking water and waste water
∙ long term stable and maintenance free in operation
∙ factory precalibrated
∙ mounting and measurement directly in the media (InSitu) or in a flow cell
∙ operation via s::can terminals & s::can software
∙ plug connection or fixed cable
Thiết bị đo COD, BOD, TOC
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i::scan_ww_EN S::CAN Datasheet
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i::scan monitors depending on the application an individual selection of: TSS, COD, COD f, UV254, UV254 f, color, UVT10, UVT10 f and temperature

∙ s::can plug & measure
∙ new light emitting technology
∙ no consumables, no moving parts
∙ special, non-fouling optical window material
∙ low power consumption (less than 1 W typical)
∙ dual-beam compensated optics
∙ optional automatic cleaning compressed air (InSitu, only for version -075 with fixed cable) or autobrush
∙ long term stable, 100 % corrosion free
∙ plug connection or fixed cable
∙ 5000 hours maintenance free operation
∙ mounting and measurement directly in the media (InSitu) or in a flow cell (monitoring station)
∙ can be mounted directly in a mains pipe / pressure pipe
∙ operation via s::can terminals & s::can software
carbo::lyser_V3_ww_EN S::CAN Datasheet
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carbo::lyser™ II / III - V3
carbo::lyser™ II monitors 2 of the following parameters: TSS, TS, TOC, DOC, BOD, COD, COD f, UV254 and UV254 f
carbo::lyser™ III monitors 3 of the follwing parameters: TSS, TOC, DOC, BOD, COD, COD f, UV254 and UV254 f

∙ measuring principle: UV-Vis spectrometry over the total range (190-750 nm)
∙ web server on board - IoT enabled, no user software is needed to configure the probe
∙ communicates directly with your mobile device via WLAN
∙ 8 GB onboard memory - capacity for logging data for many years
∙ improved optical performance - revolutionary precision
∙ fast measurement interval - every 10 seconds possible
∙ extremely power efficient - sleep mode for low energy consumption
∙ multiparameter probe with 1 mm, 5 mm or 35 mm optical path length, ideal for waste water, surface water and drinking water
∙ long term stable and maintenance free in operation
∙ factory precalibrated, local multi-point calibration possible
∙ automatic cleaning with compressed air or brush
UV UV-Vis Measurement (WTW)
Thiết bị đo Amoni NH4+, Nitrate NO3-
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ammo::lyser_pro_ww_EN S::CAN Datasheet
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ammo::lyser™ pro
ammo::lyser™ III pro monitors NH4-N and temperature
ammo::lyser™ IV pro+pH monitors NH4-N, temperature and pH
ammo::lyser™ IV pro+NO3-N monitors NH4-N, temperature und NO3-N

∙ s::can plug & measure
∙ measuring principle: ISE (ionselective electrodes) - with potassium compensation
∙ multiparameter probe
∙ long term stable, factory precalibrated
∙ automatic cleaning with compressed air
∙ easy & quick mounting and measurement directly in the media (InSitu) or in a flow cell (monitoring station)
∙ ISE refurbishment - the easy way to minimise maintenance
∙ unique, non-porous / non-leaking reference electrode for technically unrivalled and consistent performance
∙ operation via s::can terminals & s::can software
∙ automatic temperature and potassium compensation, pH compensation possible
∙ ideal for surface water, ground water, drinking water and waste water
∙ minimal maintenance
∙ life time of ISE: typically 6 month (for applications <1mg/l NH4-N), resp. 1 to 2 years (for applications >1mg/l NH4-N)
∙ plug connection or fixed cable
AmmoLyt Datasheet WTW Xylem Datasheet
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Digital ISE sensor AmmoLyt® for ammonium
Ammonium measurement directly in the medium without sample preparation and sample transfer. Measurement of centrate and other process waters up to 2,000 mg/l NH4-N

Measuring method: Electrochemical
Appropriate Electrode: Reference electrode VARiON® Ref, Measuring electrode VARiON®Plus NO3, Compensation electrode VARiON®Plus Cl
Measuring range/Resolution
NH4-N: 1 ... 2,000 mg/l / 1 mg/l; 0.1 ... 100 mg/l / 0.1 mg/l
NH4+: 1 ... 2,580 mg/l / 1 mg/l; 0.1 ... 129.0 mg/l / 0.1 mg/l
Compensation Range: K+: 0.1 ... 1,000 mg/l / 0.1 mg/l
Measuring Accuracy in laboratory standard solutions
± 5 % of measured value ± 0.2 mg/l in standard solutions
Alyza IQ_NH4 WTW Xylem Datasheet
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Alyza IQ NH4 WTW
Indophenol method according to DIN 38 406

Less Reagents - Minimized reagent consumption and waste
Simple Service - Minimum maintenance with automatic cleaning and calibration
Better Data - Reliable results from low to high measuring levels
Simple Service - Built with Service in mind, all service items can be quickly and easily exchanged without calling a service technician or service contracts.
Long Life Reagents - Easy and safe reagent replacement with no-drip reagent pouches
Clear Information - Clear measurement menu – even for 2 channel versions and monitoring of reagent life time.
Thiết bị đo Phosphate, Total Nitrogen, Total Phosphorus
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MicC_uLFR HT DR - TP - Micromac Total Phosphorus - Systea Datasheet
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MICROMAC PHOSPHORUS TOTAL is a microprocessor controlled On Line analyzer specifically designed for automatic Total Phosphorous monitoring on several types of water matrix.
Designed for industrial and Environmental On Line applications ensures the highest level of robustness in the electronics, mechanics and hydraulics components.
Complete separation between electronics and hydraulics plus a simple and robust LFA * hydraulics allows easy maintenance and long terms reliable operations.
* LFA: Loop Flow Analysis patent pending
MicC_Phosphate - Micromac Phosphate - Systea Datasheet
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MICROMAC PHOSPHATE is a microprocessor controlled On Line analyzer specifically designed for automatic phosphate monitoring on several types of waters matrix.
Designed for industrial and Environmental On Line applications ensures the highest level of robustness in the electronics, mechanics and hydraulics components.
Complete separation between electronics and hydraulics plus a simple and robust LFA * hydraulics allows easy maintenance and long terms reliable operations.
* LFA: Loop Flow Analysis patent pending
Alyza IQ PO4 WTW Xylem Datasheet
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Alyza IQ PO4
Less Reagents - Minimized reagent consumption and waste
Simple Service - Regular maintenance takes just 10 minutes every 3 months
Better Data - Reliable results from low to high measuring levels
Simple Service - Built with Service in mind, all service items can be quickly and easily exchanged without calling a service technician or service contracts.
Long Life Reagents - Easy and safe reagent replacement with no-drip reagent pouches.
Clear Information - Clear measurement menu – even for 2 channel versions and monitoring of reagent life time
MicC_uLFR HT FC - TN@220nm - Micromac Total Nitrogen - Systea Datasheet
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MICROMAC TOTAL NITROGEN is a microprocessor controlled On Line analyzer specifically designed for automatic Total Nitrogen monitoring on several types of water matrix.
Designed for industrial and Environmental On Line applications Micromac C ensures the highest level of robustness in the electronics, mechanics and hydraulics components. Complete separation between electronics and hydraulics plus a simple and robust LFA * hydraulics allows easy maintenance and long terms reliable operations.
*µLFR: µ Loop Flow Reactor - Patent pending
Máy phân tích kim loại nặng trong nước
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MicC_uLFR HT DR - TFe - Micromac Total Iron - Systea Datasheet
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MICROMAC TOTAL IRON is a microprocessor controlled On Line analyzer specifically designed for automatic Total Iron monitoring on several types of
waters matrix.
Designed for industrial and Environmental On Line applications Micromac C ensures the highest level of robustness in the electronics, mechanics and hydraulics components. Complete separation between electronics and hydraulics plus a simple and robust LFA* hydraulics allows easy maintenance and long terms reliable operations.
*LFA: Loop Flow Analysis patent pending
MicCfa_Cyanide Total - Micromac Cyanide Total - Systea Datasheet
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MICROMAC CYANIDE TOTAL is a microprocessor controlled On Line analyzer specifically designed for automatic Cyanide monitoring on several types of water matrices.
Designed for industrial and Environmental On Line applications ensures the highest level of robustness in the electronics, mechanics and hydraulics components.
Complete separation between electronics and hydraulics plus a simple and robust batch type CFA* hydraulics allows easy maintenance and long terms reliable operations.
*CFA: Continuous Flow Analysis
MicC_Chromium6+ - Micromac Chromium 6+ - Systea Datasheet
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MICROMAC CHROMIUM HEX is a microprocessor controlled On Line analyzer specifically designed for automatic Chromium 6+ monitoring on several types of water matrices.
Designed for industrial and Environmental On Line applications ensures the highest level of robustness in the electronics, mechanics and hydraulics components.
Complete separation between electronics and hydraulics plus a simple and robust LFA* hydraulics allows easy maintenance and long terms reliable operations.
*LFA: Loop Flow Analysis patent pending
MicC_uLFR HT - TMn - Micromac Manganese Total - Systea Datasheet
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MICROMAC TOTAL MANGANESE is a microprocessor controlled On Line analyzer specifically designed for automatic Total Manganese monitoring on several types of water matrix.
Designed for industrial and Environmental On Line applications Micromac C ensures the highest level of robustness in the electronics, mechanics and hydraulics components. Complete separation between electronics and hydraulics plus a simple and robust LFA* hydraulics allows easy maintenance and long terms reliable operations.

* LFA: Loop Flow Analysis patent pending

Technical Specifications
MEASURING PRINCIPLE: Colorimetric, Formaldoxine method, combined UV + HT digestion
COLORIMETER: dual beam, silicon detector
MEASURING TIME: 13-15 minutes depending on the ragem
MEASURING RANGE: 0-2 ppm Mn, other ranges available on request
DETECTION LIMIT: typically better 3% of the full scale, calculated as for EPA p. 136 appendix B
REPEATABILITY: better than 5%; SD% of 7 replicates at 50% of the full scale
ACCURACY: better than 5% 7 replicates at 20% of the full scale
OUTPUT SIGNAL: 4-20 mA INPUT SIGNALS: n. 1 Analysis, n. 1 calibration; digital contacts
ALARMS: n. 1 High Limit, n. 1 General, n. 1 Calibration; potential free contacts
REAGENTS REPLACEMENT: 3/4 weeks depending on the operating temperature
HARDWARE: PC104 industrial standard, Integrated keyboard and graphics display, RS232 option
POWER SUPPLY: 12 V DC external power supply included; 4W Standby; 50 W (mean) analysis
WEIGHT: 33 Kg without reagents; DIMENSION: 800x420x280 mm(hxwxd)
Máy lấy mẫu tự động
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SP5B Maxx Autosampler Datasheet
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Fixed site sampler in plastic housing, especially suited for high ambient temperatures. For automatic sample extraction according to the vacuum principle. Mains operation 230V/50Hz.